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Grateley Primary School

Grateley Primary School

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural learning

‘Realising our Children’s Potential’


Our core values have been developed through the School Council, in consultation with adults across our community, so that we could give children a voice in deciding what was of fundamental value in their own lives and to celebrate all that is special at Grateley Primary School.  In developing our values the children researched and discussed fundamental British Values and the UNICEF Children’s Charter to develop values that encompass their core beliefs.

Our core values of: Teamwork, Respect, Enthusiasm and Excellence

Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural   (SMSC)   

At the very heart of all we do at Grateley Primary School is the personal, social, moral, cultural and spiritual development of our children.  SMSC plays a key part in their ability to learn, achieve and to flourish both now and in the future.

In this belief we provide time and opportunities for pupils to explore and develop:

  • Confidence and belief in themselves as individuals and as citizens
  • Their own values and an appreciation and respect for the values of others, alongside Fundamental British Values;
  • A tolerant, caring and positive attitude towards others both in their own community and the wider world;
  • An appreciation and awareness of their own spirituality;
  • High moral standards and personal conduct and behaviour;
  • An appreciation of diversity and of rich social & cultural traditions.

We consciously and deliberately facilitate and plan opportunities in the four areas of SMSC in the following ways:

Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development refers to our inner connection and appreciation of ourselves;  of others, the wider world and its beauty.  It allows us to think and reflect on the big questions of life and of where we come from.  It encompasses children’s beliefs - religious or otherwise - which inform their own perspectives and help them understand the perspectives of others.

  • Develop a climate or ethos within which children can flourish, respect others and be respected e.g. Grateley House Captains, School Council, pupil led Celebration Assembly, Circle Time, our Positive Behaviour Policy;
  • Providing pupils  with opportunities to understand human feelings and emotions, the way they impact on people and how understanding of them can help them feel in control of their lives.  We do this through our Personal Development Curriculum and the work of the staff in finding time to talk with pupils; through books, drama, dance; music and regular playlets/performances;
  • Ensuring that all pupils have opportunity to explore values and beliefs, including those rooted in faith and religious beliefs.  To explore how values and beliefs impact on people’s lives e.g. through values based class and key stage worship; RE weeks;  weekly PHSE lessons; British Values Play and our History and English curriculum;
  • Offering opportunities for pupils to develop an appreciation of beauty and the natural world e.g. EYFS Wellie-walks; Class long term Science Studies; yearly class topics on the environment; visits to places of beauty such as the New Forest; gardening activities and woodland and pond work;
  • Participation in activities to promote aspiration and to inspire: through Aspirations Week; developing awareness of current events within the world; study of the lives of inspirational people within English, History and Science; visits from professional e.g.  a vet; doctor; air-traffic controller; as well as by peer mentoring so that older pupils can inspire others through their actions;
  • Planned opportunities for enrichment including visits, visitors, learning together parent/child learning events.

Moral Development

At Grateley Primary School we belief that for people to live alongside each other and to flourish then they must have a fundamental understanding, appreciation and respect of right and wrong.  We encourage staff to challenge pupils, staff parents or members of the school community who express opinions that undermine our school values and Fundamental British Values. 

  • Giving pupils to explore and develop moral concepts and values through the our curriculum e.g. truth, justice, equal opportunity, right, wrong; as well as through meaningful discussion;
  • The school has a clear behaviour policy that is reviewed annually by the School Leadership Team in conjunction with feedback from pupils, The School Council, parents and staff.  This is shared on the school website and in assemblies at the start of the academic year. During the year the children learn about e-safety; cyber-bullying through PHSE lessons and theme days/weeks.  During the year there are opportunities planned in to learn about the law; moral codes through the PHSE programme of study, drugs education, Circle Time and initiatives such as Year 5 Think Safe and Childline Workshops held biannually in Year 5/6;
  • Develop an understanding and appreciation of the United Nations Children’s Charter through UNICEF Assemblies Programme; theme  days such as World Water Day;  regular discussion in class and assemblies as well as our PHSE and RE curriculum linking to this;
  • The children are encouraged to challenge their own thinking through lessons and assemblies on equality; human rights and topics that provoke thought on current affairs.
  • Recognising and respecting different cultural and faith groups throughout the community through:  RE weeks throughout the school; celebration of religious festivals, art and dance days, visits from members of different faiths e.g. from the Jewish and Sikh community and weekly Vicar’s worship; having a wide variety of books on faith and cultures available and read to them; virtual tours and visits to  places of worship outside the immediate surroundings;
  • Modelling through the quality of relationships and interactions  the values and principles we wish to promote e.g. respect, tolerance, fairness, conflict resolution. Use of our Anti-bullying Policy; Circle Time; respect for minority interest; behaviour plans and friendship charters;
  • Encouraging pupils to take responsibility for their actions, through establishing class codes of conduct and through individual/group discussions and Circle Time;
  • Rewarding good behaviour through personal affirmation, House Points, WOW certificates, Grateley leaves , class soft toys to take home; Celebration Assembly; junior peer mentoring and play leaders. At Grateley Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to lead Celebration Assembly to encourage a culture of pupils noticing and celebrating good behaviour and moral conduct.
  • Providing models of moral to discuss through the curriculum within PHSE, RE, English, worship, dance, drama and history.


Social Development

Social development is about developing a set of competencies, skills, dispositions and qualities that enable every child to play a full party in their social grouping, family, community, society and within the wider world. At Grateley Primary School this is achieved in a number of ways.

  • Encouraging children to work co-operatively through group and paired activities; mixed team events; school house activities; play leaders and buddies; peer mentoring.  At Grateley children are not set into groups - the teachers plan on a daily basis for pupils to work with different individuals so that they learn to work co-operatively with everyone and to value one another’s strengths;
  • Through the PHSE, RE, English, Science and History curriculums; class discussions, assemblies and drama promote and learn about Fundamental British Values;
  • Through our Sex and Relationships Education, PHSE, History, Geography and class discussions encourage children to recognise and respect differences e.g. gender, family, age issues, disability;
  • Provide a wide range of physical activities to promote team spirit e.g. competitive sport, play time games, sports day and inter/intra school competitions;
  • Through our own school values, day to day interactions  and codes of behaviour help children recognise codes of behaviour that are valued in society e.g. open heartedness; tolerance; honesty;
  • Provide opportunities to interact and work alongside a wide variety of visitors and to play a part in the community e.g. though our enrichment programme; charity events and interschool events; rewards and awards for community work e.g. personal fundraising, taking part in outside competitions and events;
  • Help children recognise and reconcile tensions that may develop through individual ideas and those of the wider group e.g. ELSA, Circle Time; PHSE, School Council; Class Votes on issues and individual/group discussions.
  • Provide children with opportunities for leadership and responsibility e.g. through class monitors; children leading lunchtime clubs and events; school librarians; children directing and authoring plays and assemblies; Play Leaders; House Captains.

Cultural Development

At Grateley Primary School we believe that cultural understanding is vital in pupils’ social, emotional and spiritual development. It is about supporting pupils in developing an understanding and appreciation of their own customs, beliefs, traditions and values and those of other social, ethnic, faith and geographical groups.

  • Learning about and celebrating different communities customs e.g. through RE, Geography, History and PHSE curriculum, dance, music, drama, celebrating festivals, the school library, worship and theme days;
  • Recognising and nurturing talents e.g. through plays, local events, social events and local theatre groups;
  • Developing partnerships with other organisations e.g. local museums, links to local churches and faith groups; theatre visits;
  • Theme days such as European Languages Day; World Book events;
  • UNICEF Assemblies Programme;
  • Reinforcing the school’s cultural values through displays and photographs;
  • Through our Geography, History, English, RE, PHSE curriculum and Circle Time provide pupils with opportunities to explore their own cultural assumptions and values.


RE Curriculum

At Grateley, we follow the Hampshire Living Difference IV Syllabus. You can access a copy of the Living Difference IV curriculum below. If you require a hard copy, please contact the school office.