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Grateley Primary School

Grateley Primary School

Science Week

This week, Bear Class have been super scientists!

We have really enjoyed taking part in Science Week over the past few days and we have found lots of fun ways to explore the theme of 'Time'.  We had a great time exploring the torches and the shadows we could make and seeing how shadows change through the day as the position of the sun moves.  The children worked in partners to create different shadows and drew around them, seeing if they could make them larger or smaller by moving the torch.  We have also thought about the seasons of the year and used our field walk this week, to add to our seasons' scrapbook, looking for the first signs of Spring.  Our final afternoon has been spent learning about freezing and melting and using some ice balloons, we investigated how we could speed up the melting process by trying out different things, such as wrapping the ice up or submerging it in warm water.