Personal, Relationships, Social and Health Education (PRSHE)
Following a statutory consultation process with parents, governors and staff, we have evaluated and reviewed our Personal, Social, Health and Emotional curriculum to include the statutory Sex and Relationships Education curriculum. Key staff members have attended DfE approved training; reviewing and updating the schools SRE policy, developing a new curriculum long term plan and medium term plans for each year group.
To support the delivery of this curriculum, we have invested in an online teaching resource: Growing up with Yasmin and Tom. This resource is quality assured by the PSHE association. If you would like to find out more about this resource, please click on the link below:
In July 2023, The FPA who developed Growing up With Yasmin and Tom, set up a parents page to ensure that there is transparency and clarity to parents around the teaching of relationships and Sex Education in school. To access this new page, please click on the link below:
Please click on the attached documents below to find out about the curriculum. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact either your child's class teacher or Mrs Dance (Head teacher) via the admin office email or school telephone number.
If you would like hard copies of the documentation below please contact the school office ( who will arrange this for you.